Monday, December 17, 2012

Create a Glowing Liquid Text with Water Splash Effect in Photoshop

To complete this tutorial, you will need the following stocks:
Ground texture
Water pattern image
Water splash brush

Step 1

Create a new document sized 1280px * 800px with black background. Load the Ground Texture stock image into Photoshop, and select a piece of the ground as shown below
1 sel 500x155 Create a Glowing Liquid Text with Water Splash Effect in Photoshop
Copy and paste the selection onto our document, use a soft eraser to remove the edges and some parts of the ground as shown below:
1 eraser 500x111 Create a Glowing Liquid Text with Water Splash Effect in Photoshop
Add the following 3 adjustm
ent layers on top of the ground texture layer:
Black and White
1 bw1 Create a Glowing Liquid Text with Water Splash Effect in Photoshop
1 lv1 Create a Glowing Liquid Text with Water Splash Effect in Photoshop
1 curves1 Create a Glowing Liquid Text with Water Splash Effect in Photoshop
Create a new layer on top and add some cloud effect over the ground with either a cloud brush or the cloud filter – this adds some dramatic effect into it:
1 effect1 500x141 Create a Glowing Liquid Text with Water Splash Effect in Photoshop

Step 2

We will now add some text onto the document – I used the “Freestyle Script” font (should come with Photoshop):
2 type Create a Glowing Liquid Text with Water Splash Effect in Photoshop
Apply the following layer blending options to this text layer:
Bevel and Emboss
2 bevel 500x359 Create a Glowing Liquid Text with Water Splash Effect in Photoshop
Color Overlay
2 color overlay 500x359 Create a Glowing Liquid Text with Water Splash Effect in Photoshop
Outer Glow
2 outer 500x359 Create a Glowing Liquid Text with Water Splash Effect in Photoshop
and you will have the following effect:
2 mask1 500x288 Create a Glowing Liquid Text with Water Splash Effect in Photoshop

Step 3

We add some water pattern over the text – download the water pattern pack and choose one of the images, select a portion of it with any selection tool:
3 sele 500x241 Create a Glowing Liquid Text with Water Splash Effect in Photoshop
Copy and paste the selection over the text and set it as a clipping mask to the text layer:
3 paste clipping mask 500x158 Create a Glowing Liquid Text with Water Splash Effect in Photoshop
We will go back to the water images and select a piece again, then copy and paste the selection and put it below the text layer, use the liquify filter’s forward warping tool to make it into a pattern as shown below:
3 liq 500x332 Create a Glowing Liquid Text with Water Splash Effect in Photoshop
This step can be a bit and you will probably need to have a few tries before getting it right. The effect below is the one you’re aiming to achieve:
3 effect1 500x293 Create a Glowing Liquid Text with Water Splash Effect in Photoshop

Step 4

Load the water splash brush into Photoshop and paint some splash around the text, use a soft eraser to fade the edges of the splash for depth:
4 water drop 500x270 Create a Glowing Liquid Text with Water Splash Effect in Photoshop
We will fine tune the colour effect a bit with the following image adjustment layer on top:
Selective Color
4 sel cyans Create a Glowing Liquid Text with Water Splash Effect in Photoshop
4 sel whie Create a Glowing Liquid Text with Water Splash Effect in Photoshop
4 sel neur Create a Glowing Liquid Text with Water Splash Effect in Photoshop
Layer mask on the selective colour adjustment layer:
4 sel mask 500x274 Create a Glowing Liquid Text with Water Splash Effect in Photoshop
4 curves Create a Glowing Liquid Text with Water Splash Effect in Photoshop
Layer mask on this curves adjustment layer:
4 curves mask 500x305 Create a Glowing Liquid Text with Water Splash Effect in Photoshop
Color Balance
4 col bal mid Create a Glowing Liquid Text with Water Splash Effect in Photoshop
4 col bal high Create a Glowing Liquid Text with Water Splash Effect in Photoshop
and you will have the following final image: (click to enlarge)
desert water text flatten 500x304 Create a Glowing Liquid Text with Water Splash Effect in Photoshop
That’s it for this tutorial! Hope you enjoy it and find it useful! Till next time, have a great day!
Writer : Tommy Kurniawan
Hello! My name is Tommy. I'm a blogger, I love graphics design and now i went to Architechture Technical Senior High School. | Facebook |
Source : PSDVault


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